Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Dream

            I could hear the wood creaking. I was in a long hallway. A black silhouette was approaching. My temples throbbed, my heart raced. Where was I? Sweat dripped down my neck and on my back.

            The silhouette came closer and I realized that it was a bruised and beaten-up doll. She had an eerie grin. As she strolled further, I noticed people appearing at the side of the hallway. Pale, lifeless ghosts. I would call them that. They slowly started bowing as they passed her.

            As she waltzed towards me, I saw dried blood on her shoes. My heart thumped inside my chest. I panicked. The hallway started closing in on me. My knees became wobbly and weak. I backed behind but it was just a dead end. Finally some words managed to escape my mouth, “Help!” I then realized that there was nobody else there and there was no point of shouting.

            After I said that, the doll started pacing up. There was a cold chill in my spine. Closer. More closer. She pulled a shiny dagger out from nowhere. I didn’t know what to do so I just followed the rest of the spirits. I bowed down. She walked closer and slashed my neck. As I felt the blood splatter and realization kicked in, I found my self slipping away, farther and farther away…

            I sprung out from my bed. “What a dream!” I thought to myself. My clothes were drenched in sweat. I felt relieved. I pulled my hair up from my neck into a bun. Only, I felt a bloody and deep cut on my neck. And I knew for a fact that it wasn’t there before…

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