Thursday 10 May 2018

The Massacre

            The cluster of Loblolly pines stood dignified as the roosting bluebirds struggled to settle on its branches. They chirped in a singsong tune. The juniors huddled on the lower branches whilst the elders fluttered their cobalt blue wings and hovered over the gushing river below. The chilly water cascaded and lapped against the rocks and boulders, gently polishing them. Yet somehow, the bottle green moss had managed to grip on and create a blanket over them.

            Millie watched the jovial family of squirrels chasing one after another, playing hide and seek. Meanwhile the white mice scuttled about the gooseberry bushes. Her attention was undivided until the pleasant smell of blueberry pie wafted into her nose from a nearby cottage. Her eyes were then glued to a clumsy duck with her brood on tow. Oh, how they reminded her of her own family.

            Sundays. Every Sunday, her mom would drag the whole family to church and her blueberry pie was the only reason she would drag herself out of bed. ‘How was I to know that would be the last words I would tell her?’ Millie tormented herself with remorse. Anyway, how was she to know? She was just being a nineteen year old brat who wanted to join her friends for a getaway.

            “I hate you!” Millie recalled her parting words to her mom, furious as she stepped out and slammed the front door. How she wished she could erase those words. She couldn’t understand it. She was barely gone for half an hour to ease her nerves by taking a walk around the neighborhood. How could it have happened so fast?

She still could remember hearing the sirens and walking back home. Amidst the flashing lights of the patrol car, policemen and the paramedics were rushing in and out. The gruesome sight of her whole family brutally murdered and scattered around the house was etched in her memory. If only she could turn back time.

She knew she had to be careful. Whoever did this would want to finish the job. For now, her best friend’s summer home was her only place of refuge.

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